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Putting Tools in my Toolbox

No, this is not a post about my handyman skills (or lack thereof) nor is it about my latest trip to Home Depot. Rather this is about my wonderful Christmas gifts. Yep, my wife let me purchase my own Christmas gifts and I had fun shopping online at BJU Press, Christian Book Distributors, and Regular Baptist Press. I was surprised with all of the varied resources available to preachers and teachers. So I confess that I worked it out to order my gifts from my parents as well. I picked up some great books for studying the Bible, preparing sermons, and even a few on sermon illustrations. I picked up some booklets to be used for personal devotions, Sunday School lessons, or Bible Studies. I am very excited for a selection of books I ordered from RBP...a set referred to as the BUILDUP series. This seems to be a very good Adult or Wednesday Evening Bible Study series for all Christians of any maturity level. I spent way too much money because once I got started it was hard to stop :)

I am glad that BJU Press and RBP offer the many solid resources that they do but I was shocked and saddened by all of the confusing (garbage) resources available online (and yes through CBD). Many of these resources are either blatantly worldly, scripturally weak, or extra-biblical. It can be a challenge at best, an exercise in frustration, or doctrinally corrupting at worse. So it is with a grateful heart that I appreciate the advice I receive from other Fundamental Baptist pastors in regards to recommended resources and to those companies that still make the solid, biblically correct materials available. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Ok so enough of my rambling...I gotta go study and use my tools! Happy Holidays to All! God Bless!
stancoon said...
December 25, 2007 at 8:51 PM  

I am very, very impressed by this ... whatever it is.

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