Posted by
Pastor Coon
Current Events,
From My Desk
What's this mean to us? Well, first, we need to understand that Jews have no special dispensation for salvation apart from Jesus Christ. John Hagee has said that salvation is different for a Jew because they have the Abrahamic covenant...but Jesus fulfilled all of that and more so yes even a Jew must acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah and trust in His Death and Resurrection as the only way to God. Second, the Christian society should recognize the promise that God "will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 12). So the people whose God is the Lord should also realize that a special blessing comes from a good relationship with Abraham's children (born through Sarah not Hagar). I'm amazed at the so-called churches or religions that ignore God's promises and try to replace the Jewish nation with the Christian church. Sadly, time will give full evidence of those who cursed and were cursed and those who have received blessings for being kind and supportive of the Jews and not the enemies of the Jews.
My friends, always be faithful in your studies and be ready to give every man an answer...not of man's dogmas or opinions but from God's Word.
On September 25, five American religious organizations [hosted] a Ramadan dinner for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his upcoming visit to the United States. These include the Mennonite Central Committee, the Quakers, the World Council of Churches, and Religions for Peace. How is it that these Christian "peace" organizations are willing to break bread with a declared warmonger and Holocaust denier? An answer lies in the troubling history of these organizations - a history that includes a shameful alliance with Nazi Germany during World War II.History already records the close cooperation between Islam and Nazism, which was an obvious influence in the attempted annihilation of the Jewish people, but rarely do we see the connections between so-called 'christian' organizations. It has often been supposed that the Catholic church knowingly ignored the persecution and murder of million of Jews. Some have even suspected the Catholic church of being involved in the thievery and persecution directed at the Jews or at least in the cover up of the extent of it all.The pacifist-Nazi axis dates to the 1930s. None other than the worldwide spokesman for non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi, wrote letters to Adolph Hitler that were deferential in their tone and abhorrent in their implications. A 1939 letter was apologetically described by Gandhi as a "mere impertinence" and included the following signoff: "I anticipate your forgiveness, if I have erred in writing to you. I remain, Your sincere friend, Sd. M. MK Gandhi."
In a letter dated December 24, 1940, Gandhi assured Hitler that he had no doubt of "your bravery or devotion to your fatherland." Zionist appeals for Gandhi to support a national home for the Jewish people, meanwhile, fell on deaf ears, as he insisted that "Palestine belongs to the Arabs." Not only did Gandhi reject the cause of a Jewish state but he effectively echoed Nazi propaganda, as with his warning that "this cry for the national home affords a colorable justification for the German expulsion of the Jews."
Even more supportive of Hitler were the Mennonites. In a letter dated September 10, 1933, the Conference of East and West Prussian Mennonites from the German city-state of Danzig wrote to the Fuhrer to express its "deep gratitude for the powerful revival that God has given our nation through your energy" and wished Hitler a "joyful cooperation in the up building of our Fatherland through the power of the Gospel." If its enthusiasm for hosting Ahmadinejad is any guide, the Mennonite Church has learned little from this dark chapter in its past. On the contrary, the church's alliance with the Iranian leader is an extension of its hard-line anti-Israel politics, which find expression in its funding of books advocating the so-called "right-of-return" for Palestinian Arabs - a policy that, if implemented, would mean the destruction of Israel. Read More Here
What's this mean to us? Well, first, we need to understand that Jews have no special dispensation for salvation apart from Jesus Christ. John Hagee has said that salvation is different for a Jew because they have the Abrahamic covenant...but Jesus fulfilled all of that and more so yes even a Jew must acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah and trust in His Death and Resurrection as the only way to God. Second, the Christian society should recognize the promise that God "will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 12). So the people whose God is the Lord should also realize that a special blessing comes from a good relationship with Abraham's children (born through Sarah not Hagar). I'm amazed at the so-called churches or religions that ignore God's promises and try to replace the Jewish nation with the Christian church. Sadly, time will give full evidence of those who cursed and were cursed and those who have received blessings for being kind and supportive of the Jews and not the enemies of the Jews.
My friends, always be faithful in your studies and be ready to give every man an answer...not of man's dogmas or opinions but from God's Word.
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September 30, 2008 at 8:06 PM
If interested, you can read the Christian motivation behind Mennonite Central Committee's meeting with the President of Iran here -
"Please pray with us and for MCC, that we may be wise in the way of Christ, and foolish in the way of the world . . . " Amen!
Thanks you MCC for following the Jesus way even when it's not popular.
October 1, 2008 at 5:06 PM
I want to thank "Anonymous" for their comments, but we should understand that the article I wrote about shows the ongoing mission of the MCC to develop relationships with those who would destroy the chosen children of God...the Israelites, born of Abraham and Sarah.
Being a former Marine I can appreciate the desire to continue dialogue with an 'enemy' to accomplish lasting peace it is a noble endeavor but the first step in any peace process is the attitude and language of the talks. This often requires a changing of the hateful rhetoric but apparently 30 yrs of dialogue by the MCC with Iran has done little to accomplish the simplest change in hateful rhetoric let alone any chance of true peace. Of course, if we want really peace America simply needs to turn it's back on Israel, but I would warn against that because I would rather be an 'enemy' of man than of God.
The historical connection of some factions of Mennonites with Nazism and the apparent disdain for Israel by the MCC is sad especially for those who want "peace as Christ." Wasn't Christ a Jew? Didn't Christ say to witness first in Jerusalem then spread out from there? To say one wants peace as Christ and then to condemn the Jew is blasphemy and heresy. And defintely contrary to Christ's example of peace.
Why does MCC World not recognize Israel? If you look at the website ( under MCC World, then Middle East) Israel is not a recongized country and the closest you find is Palestine which has a paragraph that says the MCC educates the Jew "on injustices to Palestinians" but says little about the bombings of innocents by the Palestinian terrorists. Yet the MCC recognizes Serbia, Bosnia, & Herzegovania which are newly established countries (born out of war and genocide which many condemn Israel of in it's establishment as a nation). The MCC World purposefully fails to recognize the 50+ yr old Israeli nation...which has a much deeper root in the "promised land" than any other country. But the 'Christians' reading God's Word trying to emmulate "Christ's peace" would know that, right!!?
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